3 Month Beard Guide (2024): Easy Growth, Tips & Maintenance

A 1.5″ (4cm) medium-sized 3 Month Beard can be a great look, but not grooming it can leave you with an unkempt, pube-like beard.

While everyone’s beard growth varies, a well-maintained three-month beard is popular.

However, maintaining it requires attention and trimming to avoid looking homeless and unkempt.

Don’t make the mistake of skipping or disregarding necessary steps and ruining your endeavors.

We understand the struggle and gathered the most valuable information to create a comprehensive step-by-step guide that guarantees a perfect 3 month beard style.

By the time you finish reading, you’ll know exactly how to start, and those three months will pass you by in no time.

What Is a 3 Month Beard?

3 Month Beard Guide Easy Growth, Tips & Maintenance

A beard that grows continuously for three months is called a 3 month beard. On average, this beard grows at a rate of half an inch per month, resulting in an average length of 1.5 inches.

However, the growth rate can vary depending on genetics, diet, lifestyle, and other factors.

For individuals with a thick beard growth pattern, the three-month beard typically covers the jaw, chin, and lower cheeks with no visible skin.

Those with modest beard growth may have bald spots on the upper cheek area, but these spots should fill in over time.

If, after three months, your beard is not of a natural length and thickness, this indicates that you may need to gain the ability to grow a beard.

What a Beard Looks Like After 3 Months of Growth

As per research, the typical beard growth rate is ½-inch monthly, meaning that a three-month beard generally measures 1.5 inches.

Although, your genetic makeup, diet, and lifestyle habits, among other factors, might impact this growth rate.

Nevertheless, a 1.5-inch beard should already look like a natural beard, representing a quarter of the progress required to achieve a full yeard.

By the three-month milestone, men with naturally thick facial hair should no longer see their jaw, chin, or lower cheeks. Modestly patchy beards could reveal hairless areas on the upper cheek, slowly filling up over time.

If, after three months, you’re still unable to see a resemblance to a proper beard, you should reconsider if you can grow one. Don’t fret, though, as our guide on increasing beard growth can help you catch up.

3 Month Beard Examples

3 Month Beard Guide
3 Month Facial Hair
3 Month Facial Hair Guide
3 Month Beard Man
3 Month Bearded Man

Benefits of Growing a 3 month Beard

1. Easy Maintenance

Achieving a lengthy and voluminous beard may require consistent maintenance, but the payoff is worth it. Once attained, the hassle of daily shaving becomes a distant memory.

2. Choose Different Styles

As a man with a long beard, you can shape it using the right tools and products. The possibilities for beard styles are endless.

However, if you’re only one month into growing your beard, your options are limited to stubble until it’s long enough to style. Don’t let impatience hinder your beard’s potential.

3. No Ingrown Hairs

Once your beard surpasses the one or two-month mark, you’ll never have to worry about pesky ingrown hairs and frustrating razor bumps again.

These common beard-growing problems often arise in the first few weeks and can be quite discouraging. But fear not; you’ll enjoy a smoother, bump-free beard once you get past that initial phase.

Useful Beard Products for a 3 Month Beard

As any seasoned beardsman knows, after twelve weeks of beard growth, proper beard maintenance demands more than just a laissez-faire approach. If you’re looking to keep your facial hair in top shape, there are a few key products you’ll want to add to your grooming arsenal.

First and foremost, beard oil is an absolute must-have. With a beard of this length, dryness can become a serious issue. Applying 2-3 drops of beard oil daily will restore moisture to parched whiskers and keep your beard looking and feeling its best.

Next, ensure you’re equipped with a high-quality boar bristle brush and some beard combs to tame unruly hairs.

While beard balm and wax can help add shape and hold, they’re not typically necessary at this stage of beard growth. Instead, focus on keeping your beard well-hydrated and healthy.

Consider investing in a dedicated beard wash and conditioner if your beard feels brittle and dry for around three months. And don’t overdo it on the washing – two to three times a week is plenty.

When it comes to trimming, make sure to use the tools. A reliable beard trimmer and a set of quality beard scissors will come in handy for keeping your beard looking its best.

How to Grow a 3 Month Beard

Step 1 – Put the Razor away

Put the Razor away - How to Grow a 3 Month Beard

To grow a thick and full beard in three months, the key is simple: avoid trimming it. Resist the urge to cut or groom your facial hair and give it the time it needs to reach its optimum length and thickness. Follow this one essential tip and watch your facial hair flourish.

Step 2 – Use the right products

Use the right products - How to Grow a 3 Month Beard

As you grow your beard, the initial weeks may bring a fair share of discomfort – unruly itchiness and unsightly ingrown hairs. This can quickly lead to you questioning your decision to grow a beard.

You need to know which products to use to make this journey bearable. The right beard oil relieves the itchiness, while the best beard conditioner and shampoo keep your beard clean and healthy as it grows. Don’t let these early obstacles deter you from the path to a glorious beard – use the right products and forge ahead.

Step 3 – Maintain the beard well

Maintain the beard well - How to Grow a Three Month Beard

Maintaining a well-groomed appearance as your beard grows in length is crucial. If left untamed, your beard can give off an unkempt vibe.

However, you don’t have to sacrifice length for cleanliness. Contrary to popular belief, trimming your beard doesn’t mean sacrificing its growth potential.

You can keep your beard neat throughout its growth by establishing a defined cheek line and neckline. Keeping your beard clean is imperative if you prefer a natural growth approach.

Be sure to start trimming before three months; act now and take control of your beard’s appearance.

Do’s and Don’ts With a 3 Month Beard


  • Let your beard thrive by putting down the trimmer and scissors for a while. Just focus on trimming the neckline and cheeks for a polished look.
  • Get a clean, comfortable beard by cleaning it thrice a week. Say goodbye to dandruff, food specks, and dead skin cells that may cause itching.
  • Sculpt Your Beard to Suit Your Face Shape
  • Elevate your beard game by using beard oil. Not only does it nourish and soften your facial hair, but it also eases the pesky itchiness that comes with beard growth.


  • Keep your beard under control from the beginning stages. Since hair grows at different rates on various parts of your face, regularly trimming the longer areas will maintain a tidy and groomed appearance.
  • Attention all bearded folks: remember your neckline! Keep it tidy and avoid the “beard meets chest hair” look. Maintain your masculine appeal without sacrificing grooming standards.
  • Overwashing your beard can cause it to become dry and brittle. Instead, stick to a moderate washing routine to keep it healthy and strong.
  • Stop comparing your beard growth rate to others and focus on what you can control. Genetics, diet, and overall health affect how fast or slow your beard grows. So don’t fret if your beard isn’t measuring up to the “normal” 1.5 inches at three months. Instead, take care of it, and you’ll reach your beard goals soon.


Congratulations on deciding to grow out your beard! It takes patience, but after three months, you’ll have a stylish, medium-length beard that can be shaped however desired.

To keep your beard looking great, you’ll need some essential products. At a minimum, invest in beard oil, scissors, and a beard trimmer. Then, with consistent care, your beard will be the envy of all.

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