How to Grow a Thicker Beard: Best Proven Tips by Expert (2024)

How to Grow a Thicker Beard:

As a bearded man, I understand the irritation of wanting a full, lush beard but ending up with uneven patches of scraggly hair instead.

I’ve been there!

For years, I looked with jealousy at men with thick beards, wondering if they had some inside information I was missing.

I’ve since learned that while genetics play a role, solutions are available to help stimulate new hair growth and make the most of what you have.

Most men can achieve a thicker, fuller-looking beard with the proper knowledge and tools.

In this guide, I aim to share the root causes I’ve discovered behind patchy and thin beard growth and 11 tried and tested methods for fixing it.

Drawing from my experience perfecting my grooming routine over time, I will walk through changes you can make to your diet, products you can use, and techniques you can implement to promote thickness.

I aim to equip you with actionable advice to transform your sparse facial hair into a beard you can feel confident in.

Let’s dive into the article How to Grow a Thicker Beard.

Why Can’t I Grow a Thick Beard? Common Causes

Why Can't I Grow a Thick Beard? Common Causes

Before diving into How to Grow a Thicker Beard, it’s important to understand the key reasons some men struggle to achieve full, even beard growth:

1. Genetics

The number one factor determining your beard-growing potential is hereditary.

Some men inherit hair follicles with higher sensitivity to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the hormone that kickstarts beard growth during puberty.

If your follicles don’t react strongly to DHT, you’ll likely experience patchy, slower growth.

2. Nutrient Deficiencies

Just like the hair on your head, your beard needs certain vitamins and minerals for optimal growth.

Biotin, vitamin D, zinc, or protein deficiency can produce thin, brittle hairs.

3. Age

Beard growth correlates strongly with testosterone levels, which peak in your 20s and decline with age.

If you’re young, don’t lose hope! Your beard will likely reach its fullest density in your 30s.

4. Medical Conditions

Certain skin disorders like alopecia areata can cause patchy facial hair loss. An underlying health condition may also affect growth.

While you can’t rewrite your genetic code, the good news is you can control other factors impeding your beard’s thickness.

With a holistic approach focused on health, grooming, and proven growth remedies, most men can achieve fuller facial hair coverage regardless of their starting point.

How to Grow a Thicker Beard: 11 Proven Tactics

How to Grow a Thicker Beard

1. Let it Grow Past the Awkward Stage

I know, I know. The first few weeks of beard growth can be painfully awkward and irritating. But letting your beard push through this critical phase is essential for thickness.

Here’s why: different areas of your face have varied growth cycles. If you shave or trim too early, you’ll miss those slower areas finally kicking into higher gear around weeks 4-6. 

This is when patchiness starts to fill in.

My advice?

Endure a month of awkwardness to let every hair start sprouting. Avoid shaping or manicuring, even if it looks scraggly. Give those follicles time to awaken!

Once you make it to 6 weeks, you’ll have a much fuller picture of your growth potential.

2. Gently Exfoliate for Healthier Hair Follicles

Dandruff flakes and dead skin cells can clog your follicles, preventing hairs from growing properly. Plus, they just look bad!

To clear the way for unhindered growth, it’s important to gently exfoliate the skin underneath your beard 2-3 times per week. Beard washes containing soothing exfoliants like oatmeal extract or alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) will slough off dead cells and stimulate circulation.

For extra exfoliation, use a soft beard brush while washing. The gentle friction polishes away buildup so hairs emerge smoother and less prone to entanglement.

3. Use a Beard Comb to Even Out Patchiness

Once you make it through the initial scruffy phase, grab a quality boar bristle beard comb to train your hair to lie neatly.

Here’s a cool trick: After combing your beard thoroughly, gently blow dry it using a hair dryer while continually combing outward. This will extend the hair, making your beard look instantly fuller and revealing any patchy areas needing assistance.

Then, strategically adjust longer sections to cover bare spots as much as possible, using a beard balm to keep them in place if needed. Styling products are your best friend when maximizing patchy facial hair!

4. Increase Biotin Through Diet or Supplements

Biotin is basically a miracle growth for your beard. This essential B vitamin promotes keratin infrastructure- the protein responsible for fast beard hair growth and thickness.

Some great biotin sources include whole grains, organic meats, eggs, fish, seeds, and nuts. You can also consider a biotin supplement for an extra kick – just don’t mega-dose. Stick within the recommended daily amount.

5. Reduce Stress Levels

I know, easier said than done. But hear me out because long-term high stress destroys your beard-growing efforts.

When we’re overloaded, our bodies release the stress hormone cortisol. Over time, elevated cortisol lowers testosterone levels. Since testosterone is converted into DHT (the growth-stimulating androgen), high stress throttles your beard’s thickness potential.

While momentary stress is normal, try limiting lifestyle stressors when possible. I recommend adopting stress-reduction habits like meditation, yoga, forest bathing, and sufficient sleep. Protecting your testosterone levels is crucial for optimized beard growth!

6. Exercise 3 Times Per Week

Want an easy, side-effect-free way to pump up beard-thickening hormones? Hop on those running shoes and work up a sweat! Moderate exercise boosts testosterone while increasing follicle blood flow.

Aim for 30 minutes of heart-elevating activity at least 3 days weekly. This can be anything from brisk walking, cycling, or blasting your favorite tunes through choreographed dance in your living room (Hey, I won’t judge).

As long as you sustain an elevated heart rate, you’ll stimulate beard-boosting hormonal and circulatory changes. Consistency is key, so choose an exercise you enjoy.

7. Take a DHT-Blocking Supplement

Now, this next tip might seem counterintuitive. I just finished explaining how the DHT hormone promotes beard growth…now I’m telling you to block it?

Hear me out: While you need DHT around the beard area for growth, too much systemically can actually cause hair loss on your head due to follicle sensitivity.

Take a daily supplement containing saw palmetto extract for optimal results to inhibit DHT production mildly. This will balance your levels, allowing enough access around the beard while preventing overexposure on your scalp.

The result? Thicker beard and fuller head hair. Win-Win!

8. Use a Beard Derma Roller 2 Times Per Week

You’ve probably seen those intimidating microneedle rollers giving great results for hair loss sufferers. But did you know a shorter roller designed for the face can boost beard growth?

It may seem scary, but beard derma rolling is surprisingly simple. In one easy weekly session, the 0.3mm needles gently puncture the facial skin to signal repair factors, including increased blood flow, collagen, and other helpful growth compounds.

Translation: amazingly stimulated thicker beard growth!

Disinfect your face and the roller, then carefully roll over all beard areas until the skin reddens slightly. Apply a nourishing beard oil afterward and watch as patchy zones rapidly start filling within 1-2 months of consistent use.

I swear by this handy technique for clients with extra stubborn areas. The dramatic before and afters speak for themselves!

9. Ask Your Barber for Beard PRP

This next strategy takes derma rolling up a high-tech notch for major reconstruction of patchy beards. PRP utilizes your plasma-rich proteins and growth factors to repair thin skin and awaken dormant follicles.

A specialist will draw some of your blood, spin it in a centrifuge separating highly concentrated plasma, and inject this nutrient goldmine back into stubborn beard zones using a thin micro-needling pen.

I won’t lie; it stings a little. But that discomfort pays off big time with radically boosted facial hair thickness, especially for those lacking density, even after attempting other remedies.

If you can withstand a few moments of pinpricks (and afford the price tag – treatments average $600-800), beard PRP acts like hitting a magic reset button on lackluster areas. Those follicles will wake up from their slumber faster than a double espresso!

10. Try Growth-Enhancing Minoxidil

Minoxidil (Rogaine) is a clinically proven hair restoration product some daring beard growers apply off-label for added oomph against stubborn patches.

Originally designed as a topical medication to lower blood pressure, one ‘unexpected’ minoxidil side effect was hypertrichosis – or excessive body hair growth. Researchers then reformulated it specifically for scalp hair loss, but its follicle-stimulating effects work beards, too.

Despite not technically being FDA-approved for facial use, minoxidil has become a wildly popular hack among beardsmen. The key is consistency – applying 1mL twice daily for 3-4 months to see the best thickening results as follicles transition from fine vellum to thicker terminal hairs.

Just know you’ll lose any newfound bounty by quitting minoxidil later. Consistent, long-term use is required to maintain achieved density. Otherwise, dormancy and shedding resume around 4 months after stopping.

If you don’t mind the lifelong commitment and potential side effects like skin dryness or irritation, minoxidil might be the game changer your scraggly beard needs. Thicker connections and reduced patchiness ahead!

11. Try Microneedling Alone or With Minoxidil

As an alternative DIY approach, you can use an at-home microneedling pen by itself or paired with minoxidil. The tiny penetrating pins trigger the wound-healing cascade, activating cellular repair and regeneration – essentially tricking your body into turbocharging beard growth.

After numbing the face with topical lidocaine, gently roll the pen in multiple directions over beard zones. Be extremely careful not to press too hard to avoid scarring. Apply minoxidil after, and the direct channel to your bloodstream intensifies absorption.

For optimal beard thickening with needling, remember:

  • Use a sterile .5-1mm pen
  • Roll 2x weekly max
  • Apply gentle pressure
  • Disinfect face pre/post
  • Use a soothing post-treatment moisturizer

The slight learning curve is worth the hassle for potentially dramatic beard filling via collagen formation and follicle neogenesis (regrowth). After a few months, visible patches transform into dense hair texture. Now that’s rewarding!

Wrapping Up – How to Grow a Thicker Beard

By now, you feel empowered tackling your beard growth woes, armed with numerous proven techniques to achieve the thicker mane of your dreams.

While yearning for instant gratification is understandable, remember that beard journeys reflect the cultivation of bonsai trees, not sprouting Chia pets. Reversing years of struggle requires committed daily effort focused on the roots.

Adopting a holistic approach – internally and externally nourishing beard follicles while optimizing your overall health – provides the proper soil for sowing lush facial hair.

Will every man be capable of cultivating a Yeard worthy of Vikings? Unfortunately, our genetic limitations exist. But can most men achieve a significantly improved beard from their baseline with the right toolkit and mindset? Absolutely.

Stay patient, my friends, experiment relentlessly, celebrate small wins, and understand progress unfolds gradually – one new hair at a time. Now, let’s get growing!

This is the end of the article: How to Grow a Thicker Beard. If you have any questions, do comment below.

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